General Page
Business Details
This is the most important part. Tell us about you. The more you give us the more we can understand what it is you do and how to design for you effectively.
Are you planning to do online sales? If so, what is the product, and how many items do you want to sell online? If its software do you offer training with as well?
What’s prompted you to enquire about a new website?(please give the web address)
Can these be linked in with your website? (if any)For example: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ etc.
Please help us making your website look great with good quality product images and images which represent your company.
If not, we will use it from the logo provided or if there is no logo then we will use the company name and will be styled based on your choice of colours.
Please provide company description in document format for about us, terms for terms and condition page and keywords for SEO.
We will be sending you a spreadsheet so that you can populate with your products and services. We recommend having your products and services categorised.
Please help us making your website look great with good quality product images and images which represent your company.
If ecommerce is required, then we will need to add your online merchant account details on our system so that you can take online payments by cards.
If you have any questions
Please contact us on: